The Department for University Politics represents the interests of the student body vis-à-vis the university, politics and the public, communicates higher education policy content through lectures and the like, and advises on academic matters and higher education legislation. We provide advice and support to student representatives. We always try to be present at AFaT meetings and are happy to come to your student council meetings if needed. By offering events for students, we want to inform our fellow students about their rights and thus help them to represent their interests within the university framework (and beyond).

- Representing the AStA and the student body vis-à-vis the university administration
- Representation of the AStA and the student body vis-à-vis politics and the general public
- Representation of the AStA in the LandesAStenKonferenz RLP
- Representation of the AStA in the freier zusammenschluss von student*innenschaften (fzs) e.v.
- Advice on exams and other academic matters, e.g. higher education legislation
- Networking and representation in the University of the Greater Regions
- Contact person for student councils and AFaT
- Lectures / workshops / conferences on higher education policy issues
- Information and networking on the rights of student employees
If you have problems with your studies or exams, we will be happy to help you. Whether it’s the university examination office, compulsory attendance or problems with lecturers: We will advise you to the best of our knowledge based on our experience and, if necessary, refer you to the relevant authorities. Your enquiries will be treated discreetly and only forwarded in consultation with you and anonymously if necessary. Please contact us with your request by email. If necessary, we will arrange a meeting.
The Rhineland-Palatinate State Students’ Conference (LAK RLP) is an association of the constituted student bodies of Rhineland-Palatinate universities of applied sciences and universities based on §108 Paragraph 5 of the Higher Education Act. The LAK represents the interests of the 123,000 students in Rhineland-Palatinate vis-à-vis political and social actors.
The Department for University Politics continuously participates in the meetings and, together with the representatives of the AStA of the university of applied sciences, brings in the perspective of Trier as a location. Through this body, we are in contact with the state government, the democratic parties in the state parliament, the State University Presidents’ Conference (LHPK) and other state student representatives.
Among other things, the LAK deals with the negotiations on a state-wide semester ticket, the abolition of compulsory attendance as a result of the amendment to the Higher Education Act and, above all, the Covid-19 pandemic. Information and positions can be found at
Main Speaker
Tim Biermann (he/him)
Nadja Gröling (she/her)
Andreas Neuner (he/him)
Studihaus, ST 102
Office phone: 0651 603 492 20
Fax: 0651 201 3301
Facebook: @asta.hopo.trier
Office hours: By appointment
Referat für Hochschulpolitk des AStAs der Universität Trier
Tim Biermann
Universitätsring 12b
54296 Trier
*The speakers of the AStA perform their tasks on a voluntary basis and are therefore not available at all times. Inquiries will be answered as soon as possible according to the volunteer capacity.