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Social Department

The Social Department is your advice and contact point in the AStA for all social questions concerning your studies.

  • Advice on the AStA social fund and student finance (including BAFöG advice)
  • Social inequality at the university
  • Finding accommodation
  • Enhancing soft skills and the basics of academic work
  • Organisation of studies and orientation during studies
  • Counselling for students with children
  • Counselling for working-class students’ and networking with
  • Organisation of the lange Lernnacht
  • Organisation of book flea market/book bazaar (all information about the book flea market in the winter semester 2024/25 can be found here)
  • Organisation of the clothing and plant exchange parties
  • Organisation of lectures and courses


Whether you need help finding a place to live or organising your studies, have questions about financing your studies, financial worries or any other concerns – you will always find a contact person with an open ear. We will advise you to the best of our knowledge based on our experience and, if necessary, refer you to the relevant authorities. Your enquiries will be treated discreetly and only forwarded in consultation with you and anonymously if necessary. Please contact us by email with your request. If necessary, we will arrange a meeting.


In our “Grünschnabel” we offer you a comprehensive overview of the topic of financing your studies. From BAföG to scholarships and KfW loans, you can get an initial overview here. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us or the BAföG advisory service of the AStA. 


In case of financial difficulties, all students have the opportunity to apply for an interest-free student loan up to the current Bafög maximum rate. We can also provide cash and non-cash assistance, for example, for study books, etc. If you have any questions about the social fund, you can write to us at any time.


You can borrow German Youth Hostel Association passes from us in the Social Department. Just contact us by e-mail.


Main Speaker
Florian Krohs (he/him)

Anna Ingerberg (she/her)
Ley Hattemer (she/her)

Free Member
Alicia Schmit (she/her)

*The speakers of the AStA perform their tasks on a voluntary basis and are therefore not available at all times. Inquiries will be answered as soon as possible according to the volunteer capacity.