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Department for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses (BUCK)

The Department for Students with a Disability and/or Chronic Illness (BUCK) is the contact point for students who encounter barriers in their studies due to an impairment (whether physical or psychological).

Do you have problems with exam formats, deadlines, etc.? Do you need technical equipment? You just want to talk to someone neutral and describe your situation? Feel free to contact us and we will try to find a solution. For many examination matters, for example, there is compensation for disadvantages.

In addition to our counselling services, we organise lectures and workshops on various topics (e.g. eating disorders, depression, sleep disorders, sign language courses). We also have a small library in our office with non-fiction books and novels.

You can also find more information about studying with a disability, chronic or mental illness at the Central Student Advisory Service at:

General Assembly (hybrid)

For information on the hybrid general assembly of Trier University students with disabilities or chronic illnesses in summer semester 2024, please visit the German version of our website!

Thank you for your understanding!


Our online consultation hours are currently available on request.

If you are interested in an appointment, please send an e-mail to !


BUCK organises online regular tables, to which students with and without disabilities are cordially invited. In this context, we would like to provide an opportunity for an open exchange about experiences, problems, but also ideas and opportunities around life and studying with disabilities.

The date for the next online meeting table has not yet been set but will be announced here soon.
(If the info on this page is outdated, please visit our German page for updated information!)

Access link: https://uni-trier. zoom. us/j/82146189340?pwd=L3BDQVlGYl

In case of access problems please just try again or write an e-mail to !

Autism Lecture

The FSR Psychology & the FSR Teacher Training, with the support of the AStA of Trier University, have invited Julian Leske to give an autobiographical talk on April 30, 2024 from 18:30 in HS 5 about his life on the autism spectrum, with a special focus on his individual experiences in the education system.
At the beginning, Prof. Dr. Elena von Wirth will introduce the topic of autism and after the lecture there will be an opportunity to exchange ideas with the speaker in a Q&A & discussion session.

Click here for the lecture announcement in the Trier University event calendar and here for the event poster displayed at the university.

Here you will also find the slides of the introductory lecture on the subject (with further information about autism, help & support options as well as contact details of contact persons at the university and in the Trier region), given by our department member Marc Schuler on May 31, 2022, at one of Julian Leske’s previous lectures at Trier University.

University Support Options Lecture

As part of the theme week “Studying with Disabilities”, the BUCK offered a lecture on the topic of support options in university contexts on November 21, 2022.

Here you will find the slides of the university support options lecture (with further information about help and support options as well as contact details of contact persons at the university and in the Trier region), given by our department member Marc Schuler.

  • Consultation and counselling services
  • Organisation of lectures
  • Sign language courses
  • Management of a departmental library
  • Cooperation with the Central Student Counselling Office


Principal referent:
Lena Happel (she/her)

Bea Baumbach (she/her)
Yannick Hunsicker (he/him)
Paul Schlich (he/him)
Marc Schuler (no pronoun preference)


Office: A6a, Campus I
Office phone: 0651 201 3027 (currently unmanned)
E-Mail: astabuck@uni-trier
Facebook: @BUCKUniTrier 

Online office hours: as indicated above or by appointment

*The speakers of the AStA perform their tasks on a voluntary basis and are therefore not available at all times. Inquiries will be answered as soon as possible according to the volunteer capacity.


In the summer of 2018, BUCK wrote a statement on the current state of development of accessibility at the university – because inclusion and accessibility should be a high priority for every university:

Statement on accessibility at Trier University

In addition, Melina, a student at our university, described how it is to study at Trier University with severe hearing impairment:

Statement on studying with severe hearing impairment

Other points of contact

This part of our website is currently under construction and the collection of other contact points in the Trier region does not claim to be exhaustive. The contact points listed are not in order of importance.

Contact points at Trier University
Contact points in the Trier region