Campus life
At the University of Trier there is a very lively student campus life. Which study groups can I try? Where can I get involved, meet people and pursue my hobbies? Which student councils are there, and where can I contact my own?
Political lists | University Groups | Student Councils
Political lists
On campus there are a number of higher education political groups that advocate for the interests of students and stand for the Student Parliament and the Senate of the University in the annual higher education elections. Here you will find an overview of the currently active groups, their projects and contents and how to get in touch with them.

Campus Grün is a political Group at Trier University that, among others, competes during the elections for the representative student parliament. We are advocating sustainability focused, ecologic, intersectional feminist and cosmopolitan policies and
welcome all students willing to engage with these goals.
Instagram: @CampusGruenTrier

Socialist, feminist and internationalist!
True to our motto, we stand up for you to make the campus and our university fairer and more social. We deal with topics such as housing, student grants and university funding. To achieve this, we represent you not only in university committees but also at state and national level of the JUSO HSGn and in politics.
Instagram: @jusohsg_trier

The Liberal University Group is the place for students with liberal core beliefs. We meet every 2 weeks at the pub next to the university and talk about different topics. We are also engaged in the different political bodies of our university and advocate for liberal politics for the students.
We are always happy to meet new people, whether you want to get involved at the politics of the university or want to connect with other liberal students. If you would like to join us at one of our meetings or have another question, do not hesitate to contact us via Instagram.
Website: lhg-trier.de
Instagram: @uli_lhgtrier

The Left List is a non-partisan, cross-current university group and electoral list running for the student parliament and senate elections.
As such, we are: emancipatory, ideology-critical, ecological, feminist, queer, anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-Semitic and anti-capitalist.
Website: linkeliste-trier.de
Instagram: @linkeliste_trier

Dear students,
we, the RCDS Trier (Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten), are committed to make your time at Trier University not only academically successful, but also personally beneficial. With new ideas and an open ear for your concerns, we want to make studying more enjoyable for everyone.
Come and join us on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at our regulars’ table in the Cubiculum or contact us via social media.
Instagram: @rcds_trier
Facebook: @rcdstrier
University groups
Besides the political lists, there are of course plenty of other groups where you can join, get involved and pursue your hobbies. From sports groups to theatre groups to Students for Future. Here everyone will find a suitable group.

Amnesty International is a global membership organization independent of governments, political parties, ideologies, economic interests and religions. On the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Amnesty addresses serious human rights violations.
Amnesty is part of a movement in which people come together to stand up against human rights violations – not abstractly, but concretely and for the thousands who are at risk. We cordially invite you to inform you about our group, our events and our further actions. If you want to join us or have any questions, please send us an email.

The Collegium Musicum of the Trier University consists of about 120 singers in the choir and 60 musicians in the orchestra. Both ensembles usually give a shared concert at the end of each semester. In the past years we performed pieces such as Gloria by Poulenc, the Brahms Requiem, the Unfinished Symphony by Schubert, the Clarinet Concert by Mozart and many more. The choir (Wed) and orchestra (Tue) rehearse weekly, and we are always open for tryouts if you want to get a taste of our rehearsals and ensembles.
E-Mail choir:
E-Mail orchestra:
Website: Collegium Musicum
Instagram: collegiummusicumtrier
Facebook: Collegium Musicum

Sex, love and understanding your body – did your school’s sex ed class truly prepare you? For many of us, the answer is no – and that’s why we are here to make a difference! We are ‘Mit Sicherheit Verliebt’ (Safely in Love), a student group under a project by the Working Group on Sexuality and Prevention of the Federal Representation of Medicine Students in Germany (you don’t need a background in medicine or any specific field of study to join us, however). We work for better sex education and fight stigma in schools. Through interactive workshops, we bring health topics to life with relatable, engaging, and playful methods. From wooden penis to clitoris models, we create a safe space for students to explore their own sexuality and ask questions without judgment and at eye level. Curious to learn more? Write us and join us for a meeting!
Instagram: @msv_trier

Do you like honey? In case you want have a go at beekeeping, come visit us at Bee.Ed ! We care all year around for our multiple Colonies over on Campus 2. There, we regularly meet and tackle all kinds of tasks such as monitoring the queens and controlling the colonies. In turn, they treat us with the most delicious honey, usually two times per year.

CampusOhr („CampusEar“) is an offer to listen and talk run by psychology students for all students at Trier University and Trier University of Applied Sciences. You can turn to us if you have worries and simply want to talk to a neutral person in a confidential environment. Please note that our service does not replace a diagnosis or psychotherapy.

Starting university life can be overwhelming and intimidating – but that’s where we come in!
As part of a nationwide network, we support students in navigating life after high school graduation, help with all things related to studying, and connect with over 6,000 like-minded members. We also host engaging info sessions on topics like study financing, effective learning strategies, and starting your career. Everything we offer is non-political, tailored to your needs, and completely free – and it’s not just for students from working-class backgrounds!
Whether you’d like to get involved, have questions, or just want to chat with others, feel free to reach out or join one of our open meetings.
Instagram: @arbeiterkind.de_trier
christian university group (CHG) trier

We are an interdenominational Christian university group with students from a wide range of disciplines. We deal with the Christian faith, read the Bible and want to get to know God better, exchange ideas, ask questions and seek answers. Together we want to live a credible Christian life that faces intellectual challenges and determines all areas of life – study and leisure, thinking and acting, Sunday and everyday life.
Website: https://hochschul-smd.org/trier/
Instagram: SMD_Trier
care & travel

We are a group of students from different departments with one common goal: to promote exchange between young and old! To this end, we organize games afternoons in our partner nursing home Stift St. Irminen of the Vereinigte Hospitien Trier and collect letters for the residents of care homes in Trier and the surrounding area at Easter and Christmas.
and the surrounding area.
Our university group acts as an intermediary between travelers and the nursing homes we work with. We make it possible to travel to another city, stay overnight in a nursing home there and spend time with residents and exchange ideas with them.
Website: care-and-travel.org
Instagram: @careandtravel_trier
greenpeace trier

We are one of over 100 Greenpeace groups in Germany. We work in Trier and the
surrounding area to support the goals of the internationally active environmental
organisation Greenpeace Germany. We are a group of people united by a shared interest in protecting the
environment. We have one common goal: we want to save the foundation of our
existence! To achieve this, we collect signatures, for example, to abolish VAT on plant-based foods, organise clothes-swapping events, or actively support Greenpeace in nationwide and international campaigns. If you’d like to join one of our meetings, feel free to get in touch with us.
Website: Greenpeace
Instagram: greenpeace_trier
Recht feministisch

Recht feministisch was founded on the basis of a common interest and concern: to critically scrutinize our law from a feminist perspective.
Through (academic) lectures, discussions, workshops and other events, Recht feministisch aims to explore how law can be shaped from a feminist perspective. In doing so, we attach great importance to creating an open and inviting space for everyone.
On the one hand, we want to create a platform that invites further education and research. On the other hand, we want to promote interdisciplinary thinking. We plan
interdisciplinary discussions and attach great importance to highlighting and questioning the influence of law on everyday life by also establishing practical references.
Website: Recht feministisch
Instagram: recht.feministisch

ELSA (European Law Students’ Association) is the largest organization of law students worldwide.
We were founded in Vienna in 1981, have over 60,000 members and are represented in 43 countries at over 400 faculties as a non-profit, independent and politically neutral organization.
Our vision: “A just world in which there is respect for human dignity and cultural diversity.”.
Our goal: to enable law students to look beyond the legal profession and to build and maintain a national and international network.
E-Mail: or
Website: https://elsa-trier.de/
Instagram: @elsa_trier
legal tech trier e.v.

Legal Tech Trier e.V. is a student initiative of current and former law students at the University of Trier who are enthusiastic about the digitalisation of the legal sector. Since 2020 we offer a platform for interdisciplinary exchange and organise events, workshops and excursions to give students access to the topic of legal tech. Our mission is to inform young people about the possibilities of using digital methods to enrich their studies and working life, and to raise their awareness of the challenges and opportunities of legal tech. Join us in shaping the future of the legal industry!
Website: legaltechtrier.de
Instagram: @legaltechtrier

The Refugee Law Clinic Trier is a non-profit association of Trier students from all faculties and other active individuals who offer refugees free legal advice on asylum and immigration law on a voluntary basis and support asylum seekers with other legal and administrative challenges.
In addition to the primary goal of our advice, we want to work towards raising awareness among the citizens of Trier and reducing prejudices towards refugees.
Website: rlc-trier.de
Instagram: @rlctrier

The International Centre (iZ) is a voluntary student association at Trier University that aims to bring international and German students together. Our aim is to support integration into everyday university life and to create a platform for intercultural exchange. Under the motto ‘By students for students’, we organise many exciting projects in which you can participate and actively contribute. Our offers include the Café International, the cooking project, language courses, proofreading, language evenings, Connect programmes (Buddy, Beyond Borders, Fremde werden Freunde) and our excursions. Everyone is welcome here – we look forward to seeing you!
Website: iz-trier.de
Office: Im Treff 17
Instagram: @iz_unitrier
Facebook: @iztrier

The Big Band of Trier University was founded in 2007 and has been under the direction of Bernhard Nink since 2014. Our standard performances are at the Jazzfest am Dom and the Trier Old Town Festival. As the name suggests, our musical focus is on the interpretation of swing and New Orleans jazz titles in traditional and modern arrangements. The majority of the big band is made up of university students, but it is of course also open to all other musicians who like to play collectively, but also enjoy playing individually and improvising. With us, the joy of making music together takes precedence over obsessive ambition and pressure to perform, and we are happy to welcome anyone who is interested. Just come along to the rehearsal without obligation!
Website: bigband.uni-trier.de
Instagram: swing.unit
Rehearsal: Wednesdays 20-22 h in the chapel on Campus 2
pen and paPER

The Pen and Paper HSG Trier is a student group for all those newly interested or already engaged in all kinds of pen and paper games available. We aim to aid students in search of groups, connect established tables or players and once in a while even provide our own events like One-Shot-gatherings.
Instagram: @pnp.trierhsg
k.d.st.v churtrier

“Studying among friends” – That´s basically our principle. We are a catholic non-fencing association of students at the university, technical college and theological faculty in Trier, that would like to give other male students in Trier the opportunity to network, support and exchange ideas with each other. During the semester we offer a diverse program full of joint activities and events, most of which are provided free of charge. We offer our members a community and friendship for life.
Website: churtrier.de
Instagram: @churtrier

Campusradio Trier is the student-run radio station of the University of Trier. We broadcast regularly on university politics, culture, music, and topics relevant to students. Our team of dedicated students produces podcasts, interviews, and live streams – from campus news to alternative music. You can find our current broadcasts on Mixcloud and Spotify.
Instagram: @campusradiotrier

CineAStA is the student cinema at Trier University. During the lecture period, we show two to three films every week at 8:15 p.m. in lecture hall 3 (A/B building) for a ticket price of just €3! A rich cinematic muesli of arthouse cinema, films from all over the world in the original language (with subtitles), documentaries, classics and a teaspoon of mainstream awaits you there. Pick your raisins! If you are looking for a culturally valuable activity in addition to your studies, you are always welcome to join us. With us you can learn to show films and are involved in program design and public relations. We look forward to seeing you!
Instagram: @cineastatrier
Student councils

On behalf of the Mathematics Student Council, we would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm “Welcome!” to you. If you are studying (business) mathematics or mathematics as a teacher, you have come to the right place. We are here to answer any questions you may have about your studies and will try to make your first few weeks as pleasant as possible. We are already looking forward to meeting you in person at the introductory event. Florian, Franziska, Judith, Kristin, Marie, Maxime, Paula, Sandra, Tale, Tim and Yannik wish you a stress-free start to your studies!
Telefon: +49 651 201 3482
Büro: E106
Instagram: @fsrmath_unitrier
Facebook: @fsrmath

Hello dear first-year students! We are delighted that you have decided to study to become a teacher in beautiful Trier. As a student council, we look after the interests of all student teachers, regardless of subject combination and type of school. If you have any problems or questions, you can contact us at any time. In the first few weeks in particular, we would like to help you settle into your new home as much as possible and offer you a pub crawl, a city rally and our legendary Freshers’ Weekend. Other highlights such as our teacher party and the mulled wine hike to St. Mary’s Column also follow over the course of the semester. Our social media channels will keep you up to date at all times. Until then, we can only wish you a successful start to your studies. See you soon at Trier University!
Büro: DM 112
Instagram: @fs_lehramt_unitrier
Facebook: Fachschaft Lehramt Uni Trier

Welcome to the history of art!
The FSR is your first point of contact for problems and questions in art history! On our homepage, Facebook and Instagram you can get to know us and our
Program items for the winter semester as well as the weekly meeting dates. You are cordially invited to attend! Do you have questions about studying? Then send us an e-mail or
contact us on our social media channels!
We wish you much joy and success in your studies!
Website: Fachschaftsrat Kunstgeschichte
Facebook: @fsr.kunstgeschichte.trier
Instagram: @fsr_kunst_trier

We, the Student Council of Japanese Studies, are the elected body that represents the student body of the subject. We also want to create a social platform for personal exchange between students with regulars’ tables, games evenings and parties. If you have any questions about the course of study, courses or the year abroad, you can contact us by email at any time. The student council room is located in B9. The days on which the consultation hours fall depend on the semester. You can find more detailed information about this and our events on our Discord server, as well as in the newsletter on the notice board (opposite room B20), or via the Japanese Studies e-mail distribution list. We hope to be able to welcome you to Japanese Studies Trier next semester!
Discord: Discord Japanologie Trier

Student councils represent the interests of students in a department. As the FSR of the subject Law, we represent, support and advise you, the students from Department V and the minor subject Public Law, as best we can! We want to help if you have conflicts with lecturers, questions about the subject matter or problems with the examination regulations. Apart from the core tasks, our aim is to organize better social networking between students across the year groups, but also with our professors. We also want to organize events that bring exciting and instructive legal or legal policy content outside the curriculum to our campus. Write to us if you need something or want to become active yourself!
Raum: C09
Instagram: @fsrjuraunitrier
Uni-Postfach: 3825

Hello and welcome! The FSR MEWI is pleased to welcome you to the small but fine circle of media scientists at Trier University. We are there to help you with questions/problems relating to your studies. To give you a good start to your studies, we organize informative events, such as timetable advice, as well as a social get-to-know-you program outside the university. And even during the lecture period, we organize meetings and celebrations from time to time to keep in touch and talk about joys and sorrows, successes and problems. If you have any questions, are looking for information or simply want to make contacts, feel free to contact us, send us an email or follow us on Instagram. We look forward to getting to know you!
Instagram: @mewifachschafttrier

We from the FSR CoDiPho welcome the first-year students of the degree programs Digital Humanities, Natural Language Processing, Phonetics, as well as Language, Technology and Media to Trier University. We are there for you when it comes to creating timetables, organizing excursions or helping with lecturers. We are there to help and advise you and network you with students from similar degree programs.
Our FSR meetings take place every two weeks. You are cordially invited to contribute your ideas. We announce the dates on all channels. We are always happy to welcome new members.
You are welcome to join our Discord server and subscribe to the mailing list so that you don’t miss anything. If you have any questions, you can always send us an e-mail.
Website FSR CoDiPho
Discord FSR CoDiPho

We, the FBIII student council, represent the students of History and Political Science. We will help you with any questions and try to provide you with the best possible support during your studies. Our consultation hours take place from Monday to Thursday from 1p.m. – 4p.m. in our office B9, come by with all your questions and problems. You can also contact us by e-mail at any time. For all other information, including current events, follow us on Instagram. We look forward to exploring the pubs in Trier with you at the beginning of the semester and giving you the opportunity to get to know your fellow students.
Instagram: @fb3_uni_trier

Dear students, are you studying Educational Sciences in the Bachelor’s or Master’s program in Trier? Then you’ve come to the right place! We are the student council of your subject – the FSR ErWi. Elected annually by you, we represent your interests as student representatives and build bridges between students and lecturers. We are also there to help and advise you if you have any questions or problems. According to the motto by students for students! Not only that, we also organize lots of great events of all kinds: e.g. first-year events (pub crawls), games evenings, brunches, hikes, subject-related seminars and information events and much more. You can reach us on Instagram, Facebook or by email. We look forward to seeing you and wish you a successful start to your studies!
Your FSR ErWi
Website FSR Erziehungswissenschaften
Instagram: @fsrerwi
Facebook: @fsrerwiunitrier

Congratulations on your place at university! We warmly welcome you. Here is some important information: On 17.10.2022 at 12 noon in the Audimax there will be an opening event for all psychology students in the Audimax. The student council orientation weeks take place from 17 to 28.10.2022. A few notes on our seminar and lecture selection systems: Lectures are selected in the “Porta” system and seminars at PROZA (open for 2 weeks from 26.09.2022!). In the 1st semester you should take an A2, L1 and F2 seminar. If you don’t get a seminar place this semester, don’t worry! You will then receive your place in the 2nd semester. We look forward to seeing you!
Instagram: @fsr_psycho_trier

Hello and welcome, dear first-year students! The Computer Science Student Council is the annually elected representation of the Computer Science Student Council, i.e. of you and all students in Computer Science. It is made up of up to 10 honorary members. We are your contact for everything to do with your studies, help you with problems and organize trips and parties. We also have exams, exam questions, etc. available. We can almost always be found in our office during the lecture period. Have a look! We also run a Discord server, please contact us for an invitation link.
Büro: F57 (Campus II)
Website: fsrinfo.de